17. A,N,R,I
[ 29 Sep 2013, 21:44 ]
Gachvenebs Saidan Moxvdi DA
Ramdenjer Ganaxlda
(REFRESH) Gverdi Shens Mier
var caution = false
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"; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"
function fixDate(date) {
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if (document.referrer !='') {
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else {document.write("Tqven Gadmoxvedit " + visits + " Jer")}
18. A,N,R,I
[ 29 Sep 2013, 21:44 ]
Shesvla Loginis Da Parolis
Mititebis Shemdeg
var login='test' /Logini
var pass='1234' /Paroli<br/>
var error='index.html' /Gverdi Romelic Mititebulia Skriftis Damweris Mier Ixsneba Mxolod ParolisA dA Loginis Sworad Mititebis Shemdeg
function enter() {if (document.f.login.value==login && document.f.pas.value==pass) {location.href=ok;}
else {location.href=error;}}
document.write('<form name="f">Logini: <input type="text" name="login"><br/>Paroli: <input type="password" name="pas"><br/><input type="button" value="Shesvla" onClick="enter();"></form>')
20. A,N,R,I
[ 29 Sep 2013, 21:46 ]
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
var scrollCounter = 0;
var scrollText = "aq daweret texti romelic operis bottom poziciaze unda modzraobdes";
var scrollDelay = 80;
var i = 0;
while (i ++ < 160)
scrollText = " " + scrollText;
function Scroller()
{window.status = scrollText.substring(scrollCounter++,
if (scrollCounter == scrollText.length)
scrollCounter = 0;
am javascriptit tqven shegidzliat operis qveda mxares sadac isris linktan mitanis dros iwereba linkis misamarti aamodzraot tqventvis sasurveli texti, sasurveli siswrafit da startis sasurveli poziciit.